Donate Now - FAQ

Donate Now - FAQ

What is our relationship with Hope Church Mississauga (HCM)?

HCM was the church that established our church, and continues to support us both financially as well as administratively. Prior to Hope Church Toronto North (HCTN) receiving their Charitable Status, HCTN operated as a ministry of HCM. While HCTN became autonomous from HCM on September 1, 2022. HCM continues to provide support for budgeting, financial reporting, recording donations and will issue the 2022 charitable donation receipts early in February 2023. Effective January 1, 2023 all donations received will have receipts issued by HCTN.

What is Pre-Authorized Debit and how do I set it up?

You can set up a pre-Authorized Debit (PAD) authorizing Hope Church Toronto North to withdraw your donation according to your instructions. The dates of these withdrawals are limited to Weekly on Fridays, or the 1st, 15th, and/or 30th of the month. The service fees paid on PAD donations are approximately 2.5% less that those paid on Credit Card donations. Please download the PAD form, fill it in, print it, sign it and send it back with a void cheque to


Can I give using e-transfer (email transfer)?

Yes, you can transfer using e-transfer using your on-line banking, or your bank’s mobile app. Please use the following instructions:

  1. Add ​Hope Church Toronto North​ as a new e-transfer recipient with the email address ​
  2. Skip setting a security question, Hope Church has Auto Deposit set up.
  3. As you make the transfer, select the recipient Hope Church Toronto North (If you previously gave to the church through Hope Mississauga you may want to delete Hope Mississauga from your list of email recipients to avoid any confusion).
  4. IMPORTANT​: If this is your first gift to HCTN, Please be sure to include your Name and Address in the Message section of the transaction (we need this information in order to issue an income tax receipt for this donation). Here is an example of the memo: John Smith, 123 ABC Street, Toronto ON.

Can I give using Credit Card?

Yes, you can give by credit card using the church centre app. You can either make a one time gift, or set up a recurring gift using your credit card. There is a bank fee of approximately 2.5%


Is online giving secure?

We've taken steps to ensure that the giving process is safe and secure from beginning to end. It is the same technology used by banks and e-commerce companies such as to keep your information safe and secure during transactions.


Will I still receive a contribution statement?​

You will receive email notification of any donations once they are posted to our giving database, this could take up to 3 weeks depending on how your donation was made. Your historical giving will be available online for you to view at any time. Unfortunately your historical giving of donations prior to Dec 31 2022 will only be available by logging into the HCM version of the giving software. Annual Charitable Tax Receipts will be available before the end of February for the previous calendar year. These receipts for 2022 will be issued by HCM.


For additional questions or for more information, contact us by email at



Charitable Registration Number: 774352934RR0001

Each person should do as he has decided in his heart—not reluctantly or out of compulsion, since God loves a cheerful giver.

2 Corinthians 9:7